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  Field Listing - Exports - commodities

Exports - commodities
Afghanistan opium, fruits and nuts, handwoven carpets, wool, cotton, hides and pelts, precious and semi-precious gems
Albania textiles and footwear; asphalt, metals and metallic ores, crude oil; vegetables, fruits, tobacco
Algeria petroleum, natural gas, and petroleum products 97%
American Samoa canned tuna 93% (2004 est.)
Andorra tobacco products, furniture
Angola crude oil, diamonds, refined petroleum products, gas, coffee, sisal, fish and fish products, timber, cotton
Anguilla lobster, fish, livestock, salt, concrete blocks, rum
Antigua and Barbuda petroleum products 48%, manufactures 23%, machinery and transport equipment 17%, food and live animals 4%, other 8%
Argentina edible oils, fuels and energy, cereals, feed, motor vehicles
Armenia diamonds, mineral products, foodstuffs, energy
Aruba live animals and animal products, art and collectibles, machinery and electrical equipment, transport equipment
Australia coal, gold, meat, wool, alumina, iron ore, wheat, machinery and transport equipment
Austria machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and parts, paper and paperboard, metal goods, chemicals, iron and steel, textiles, foodstuffs
Azerbaijan oil and gas 90%, machinery, cotton, foodstuffs
Bahamas, The mineral products and salt, animal products, rum, chemicals, fruit and vegetables
Bahrain petroleum and petroleum products, aluminum, textiles
Bangladesh garments, jute and jute goods, leather, frozen fish and seafood (2001)
Barbados sugar and molasses, rum, other foods and beverages, chemicals, electrical components
Belarus machinery and equipment, mineral products, chemicals, metals, textiles, foodstuffs
Belgium machinery and equipment, chemicals, diamonds, metals and metal products, foodstuffs
Belize sugar, bananas, citrus, clothing, fish products, molasses, wood
Benin cotton, crude oil, palm products, cocoa
Bermuda reexports of pharmaceuticals
Bhutan electricity (to India), cardamom, gypsum, timber, handicrafts, cement, fruit, precious stones, spices
Bolivia natural gas, soybeans and soy products, crude petroleum, zinc ore, tin
Bosnia and Herzegovina metals, clothing, wood products
Botswana diamonds, copper, nickel, soda ash, meat, textiles
Brazil transport equipment, iron ore, soybeans, footwear, coffee, autos
British Virgin Islands rum, fresh fish, fruits, animals; gravel, sand
Brunei crude oil, natural gas, refined products
Bulgaria clothing, footwear, iron and steel, machinery and equipment, fuels
Burkina Faso cotton, livestock, gold
Burma clothing, gas, wood products, pulses, beans, fish, rice
Burundi coffee, tea, sugar, cotton, hides
Cambodia clothing, timber, rubber, rice, fish, tobacco, footwear
Cameroon crude oil and petroleum products, lumber, cocoa beans, aluminum, coffee, cotton
Canada motor vehicles and parts, industrial machinery, aircraft, telecommunications equipment; chemicals, plastics, fertilizers; wood pulp, timber, crude petroleum, natural gas, electricity, aluminum
Cape Verde fuel, shoes, garments, fish, hides
Cayman Islands turtle products, manufactured consumer goods
Central African Republic diamonds, timber, cotton, coffee, tobacco
Chad cotton, cattle, gum arabic, oil
Chile copper, fruit, fish products, paper and pulp, chemicals, wine
China machinery and equipment, plastics, optical and medical equipment, iron and steel
Christmas Island phosphate
Cocos (Keeling) Islands copra
Colombia petroleum, coffee, coal, apparel, bananas, cut flowers
Comoros vanilla, ylang-ylang (perfume essence), cloves, copra
Congo, Democratic Republic of the diamonds, copper, crude oil, coffee, cobalt
Congo, Republic of the petroleum, lumber, plywood, sugar, cocoa, coffee, diamonds
Cook Islands copra, papayas, fresh and canned citrus fruit, coffee; fish; pearls and pearl shells; clothing
Costa Rica coffee, bananas, sugar, pineapples; textiles, electronic components, medical equipment
Cote d'Ivoire cocoa, coffee, timber, petroleum, cotton, bananas, pineapples, palm oil, fish
Croatia transport equipment, textiles, chemicals, foodstuffs, fuels
Cuba sugar, nickel, tobacco, fish, medical products, citrus, coffee
Cyprus Republic of Cyprus: citrus, potatoes, pharmaceuticals, cement, clothing and cigarettes; north Cyprus: citrus, potatoes, textiles
Czech Republic machinery and transport equipment 52%, chemicals 5%, raw materials and fuel 9% (2003)
Denmark machinery and instruments, meat and meat products, dairy products, fish, chemicals, furniture, ships, windmills
Djibouti reexports, hides and skins, coffee (in transit)
Dominica bananas, soap, bay oil, vegetables, grapefruit, oranges
Dominican Republic ferronickel, sugar, gold, silver, coffee, cocoa, tobacco, meats, consumer goods
East Timor coffee, sandalwood, marble; note - potential for oil and vanilla exports
Ecuador petroleum, bananas, cut flowers, shrimp
Egypt crude oil and petroleum products, cotton, textiles, metal products, chemicals
El Salvador offshore assembly exports, coffee, sugar, shrimp, textiles, chemicals, electricity
Equatorial Guinea petroleum, methanol, timber, cocoa
Eritrea livestock, sorghum, textiles, food, small manufactures (2000)
Estonia machinery and equipment 33%, wood and paper 15%, textiles 14%, food products 8%, furniture 7%, metals, chemical products (2001)
Ethiopia coffee, qat, gold, leather products, live animals, oilseeds
European Union machinery, motor vehicles, aircraft, plastics, pharmaceuticals and other chemicals, fuels, iron and steel, nonferrous metals, wood pulp and paper products, textiles, meat, dairy products, fish, alcoholic beverages.
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) wool, hides, meat
Faroe Islands fish and fish products 94%, stamps, ships (1999)
Fiji sugar, garments, gold, timber, fish, molasses, coconut oil
Finland machinery and equipment, chemicals, metals; timber, paper, pulp (1999)
France machinery and transportation equipment, aircraft, plastics, chemicals, pharmaceutical products, iron and steel, beverages
French Guiana shrimp, timber, gold, rum, rosewood essence, clothing
French Polynesia cultured pearls, coconut products, mother-of-pearl, vanilla, shark meat
Gabon crude oil 77%, timber, manganese, uranium (2001)
Gambia, The peanut products, fish, cotton lint, palm kernels, re-exports
Gaza Strip citrus, flowers, textiles
Georgia scrap metal, machinery, chemicals; fuel reexports; citrus fruits, tea, wine
Germany machinery, vehicles, chemicals, metals and manufactures, foodstuffs, textiles
Ghana gold, cocoa, timber, tuna, bauxite, aluminum, manganese ore, diamonds
Gibraltar (principally reexports) petroleum 51%, manufactured goods 41%, other 8%
Greece food and beverages, manufactured goods, petroleum products, chemicals, textiles
Greenland fish and fish products 94% (prawns 63%)
Grenada bananas, cocoa, nutmeg, fruit and vegetables, clothing, mace
Guadeloupe bananas, sugar, rum, melons, spring water
Guam mostly transshipments of refined petroleum products; construction materials, fish, food and beverage products
Guatemala coffee, sugar, petroleum, apparel, bananas, fruits and vegetables, cardamom
Guernsey tomatoes, flowers and ferns, sweet peppers, eggplant, other vegetables
Guinea bauxite, alumina, gold, diamonds, coffee, fish, agricultural products
Guinea-Bissau cashew nuts, shrimp, peanuts, palm kernels, sawn lumber
Guyana sugar, gold, bauxite/alumina, rice, shrimp, molasses, rum, timber
Haiti manufactures, coffee, oils, cocoa, mangoes
Honduras coffee, shrimp, bananas, gold, palm oil, fruit, lobster, lumber
Hong Kong electrical machinery and appliances, textiles, apparel, footwear, watches and clocks, toys, plastics, precious stones, printed material
Hungary machinery and equipment 61.1%, other manufactures 28.7%, food products 6.5%, raw materials 2%, fuels and electricity 1.6% (2003)
Iceland fish and fish products 70%, aluminum, animal products, ferrosilicon, diatomite
India textile goods, gems and jewelry, engineering goods, chemicals, leather manufactures
Indonesia oil and gas, electrical appliances, plywood, textiles, rubber
Iran petroleum 80%, chemical and petrochemical products, fruits and nuts, carpets
Iraq crude oil (83.9%), crude materials excluding fuels (8.0%), food and live animals (5.0%)
Ireland machinery and equipment, computers, chemicals, pharmaceuticals; live animals, animal products
Isle of Man tweeds, herring, processed shellfish, beef, lamb
Israel machinery and equipment, software, cut diamonds, agricultural products, chemicals, textiles and apparel
Italy engineering products, textiles and clothing, production machinery, motor vehicles, transport equipment, chemicals; food, beverages and tobacco; minerals, and nonferrous metals
Jamaica alumina, bauxite, sugar, bananas, rum, coffee, yams, beverages, chemicals, wearing apparel, mineral fuels
Japan transport equipment, motor vehicles, semiconductors, electrical machinery, chemicals
Jersey light industrial and electrical goods, foodstuffs, textiles
Jordan clothing, phosphates, fertilizers, potash, vegetables, manufactures, pharmaceuticals
Kazakhstan oil and oil products 58%, ferrous metals 24%, chemicals 5%, machinery 3%, grain, wool, meat, coal (2001)
Kenya tea, horticultural products, coffee, petroleum products, fish, cement
Kiribati copra 62%, coconuts, seaweed, fish
Korea, North minerals, metallurgical products, manufactures (including armaments), textiles, fishery products
Korea, South semiconductors, wireless telecommunications equipment, motor vehicles, computers, steel, ships, petrochemicals
Kuwait oil and refined products, fertilizers
Kyrgyzstan cotton, wool, meat, tobacco; gold, mercury, uranium, natural gas, hydropower; machinery; shoes
Laos garments, wood products, coffee, electricity, tin
Latvia wood and wood products, machinery and equipment, metals, textiles, foodstuffs
Lebanon authentic jewelry, inorganic chemicals, miscellaneous consumer goods, fruit, tobacco, construction minerals, electric power machinery and switchgear, textile fibers, paper
Lesotho manufactures 75% (clothing, footwear, road vehicles), wool and mohair, food and live animals (2000)
Liberia rubber, timber, iron, diamonds, cocoa, coffee
Libya crude oil, refined petroleum products, natural gas
Liechtenstein small specialty machinery, connectors for audio and video, parts for motor vehicles, dental products, hardware, prepared foodstuffs, electronic equipment, optical products
Lithuania mineral products 23%, textiles and clothing 16%, machinery and equipment 11%, chemicals 6%, wood and wood products 5%, foodstuffs 5% (2001)
Luxembourg machinery and equipment, steel products, chemicals, rubber products, glass
Macau clothing, textiles, footwear, toys, electronics, machinery and parts
Macedonia food, beverages, tobacco; miscellaneous manufactures, iron and steel
Madagascar coffee, vanilla, shellfish, sugar, cotton cloth, chromite, petroleum products
Malawi tobacco 60%, tea, sugar, cotton, coffee, peanuts, wood products, apparel
Malaysia electronic equipment, petroleum and liquefied natural gas, wood and wood products, palm oil, rubber, textiles, chemicals
Maldives fish, clothing
Mali cotton, gold, livestock
Malta machinery and transport equipment, manufactures
Marshall Islands copra cake, coconut oil, handicrafts, fish
Martinique refined petroleum products, bananas, rum, pineapples
Mauritania iron ore, fish and fish products, gold
Mauritius clothing and textiles, sugar, cut flowers, molasses
Mayotte ylang-ylang (perfume essence), vanilla, copra, coconuts, coffee, cinnamon
Mexico manufactured goods, oil and oil products, silver, fruits, vegetables, coffee, cotton
Micronesia, Federated States of fish, garments, bananas, black pepper
Moldova foodstuffs, textiles, machinery
Mongolia copper, apparel, livestock, animal products, cashmere, wool, hides, fluorspar, other nonferrous metals
Montserrat electronic components, plastic bags, apparel; hot peppers, limes, live plants; cattle
Morocco clothing, fish, inorganic chemicals, transistors, crude minerals, fertilizers (including phosphates), petroleum products, fruits, vegetables
Mozambique aluminum, prawns, cashews, cotton, sugar, citrus, timber; bulk electricity
Namibia diamonds, copper, gold, zinc, lead, uranium; cattle, processed fish, karakul skins
Nauru phosphates
Nepal carpets, clothing, leather goods, jute goods, grain
Netherlands machinery and equipment, chemicals, fuels; foodstuffs
Netherlands Antilles petroleum products
New Caledonia ferronickels, nickel ore, fish
New Zealand dairy products, meat, wood and wood products, fish, machinery
Nicaragua coffee, beef, shrimp and lobster, tobacco, sugar, gold, peanuts
Niger uranium ore, livestock, cowpeas, onions
Nigeria petroleum and petroleum products 95%, cocoa, rubber
Niue canned coconut cream, copra, honey, vanilla, passion fruit products, pawpaws, root crops, limes, footballs, stamps, handicrafts
Norfolk Island postage stamps, seeds of the Norfolk Island pine and Kentia palm, small quantities of avocados
Northern Mariana Islands garments
Norway petroleum and petroleum products, machinery and equipment, metals, chemicals, ships, fish
Oman petroleum, reexports, fish, metals, textiles
Pakistan textiles (garments, bed linen, cotton cloth, yarn), rice, leather goods, sports goods, chemicals, manufactures, carpets and rugs
Palau shellfish, tuna, copra, garments
Panama bananas, shrimp, sugar, coffee, clothing
Papua New Guinea oil, gold, copper ore, logs, palm oil, coffee, cocoa, crayfish, prawns
Paraguay soybeans, feed, cotton, meat, edible oils, electricity, wood, leather
Peru copper, gold, zinc, crude petroleum and petroleum products, coffee
Philippines electronic equipment, machinery and transport equipment, garments, optical instruments, coconut products, fruits and nuts, copper products, chemicals
Pitcairn Islands fruits, vegetables, curios, stamps
Poland machinery and transport equipment 37.8%, intermediate manufactured goods 23.7%, miscellaneous manufactured goods 17.1%, food and live animals 7.6% (2003)
Portugal clothing and footwear, machinery, chemicals, cork and paper products, hides
Puerto Rico chemicals, electronics, apparel, canned tuna, rum, beverage concentrates, medical equipment
Qatar liquefied natural gas (LNG), petroleum products, fertilizers, steel
Reunion sugar 63%, rum and molasses 4%, perfume essences 2%, lobster 3%
Romania textiles and footwear, metals and metal products, machinery and equipment, minerals and fuels, chemicals, agricultural products
Russia petroleum and petroleum products, natural gas, wood and wood products, metals, chemicals, and a wide variety of civilian and military manufactures
Rwanda coffee, tea, hides, tin ore
Saint Helena fish (frozen, canned, and salt-dried skipjack, tuna), coffee, handicrafts
Saint Kitts and Nevis machinery, food, electronics, beverages, tobacco
Saint Lucia bananas 41%, clothing, cocoa, vegetables, fruits, coconut oil
Saint Pierre and Miquelon fish and fish products, soybeans, animal feed, mollusks and crustaceans, fox and mink pelts
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines bananas 39%, eddoes and dasheen (taro), arrowroot starch; tennis racquets
Samoa fish, coconut oil and cream, copra, taro, automotive parts, garments, beer
San Marino building stone, lime, wood, chestnuts, wheat, wine, baked goods, hides, ceramics
Sao Tome and Principe cocoa 80%, copra, coffee, palm oil
Saudi Arabia petroleum and petroleum products 90%
Senegal fish, groundnuts (peanuts), petroleum products, phosphates, cotton
Serbia manufactured goods, food and live animals, machinery and transport equipment
Seychelles canned tuna, frozen fish, cinnamon bark, copra, petroleum products (reexports)
Sierra Leone diamonds, rutile, cocoa, coffee, fish
Singapore machinery and equipment (including electronics), consumer goods, chemicals, mineral fuels
Slovakia vehicles 25.9%, machinery and electrical equipment 21.3%, base metals 14.6%, chemicals and minerals 10.1%, plastics 5.4% (2004)
Slovenia manufactured goods, machinery and transport equipment, chemicals, food
Solomon Islands timber, fish, copra, palm oil, cocoa
Somalia livestock, bananas, hides, fish, charcoal, scrap metal
South Africa gold, diamonds, platinum, other metals and minerals, machinery and equipment
Spain machinery, motor vehicles; foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, medicines, other consumer goods
Sri Lanka textiles and apparel, tea and spices; diamonds, emeralds, rubies; coconut products, rubber manufactures, fish
Sudan oil and petroleum products; cotton, sesame, livestock, groundnuts, gum arabic, sugar
Suriname alumina, crude oil, lumber, shrimp and fish, rice, bananas
Swaziland soft drink concentrates, sugar, wood pulp, cotton yarn, refrigerators, citrus and canned fruit
Sweden machinery 35%, motor vehicles, paper products, pulp and wood, iron and steel products, chemicals
Switzerland machinery, chemicals, metals, watches, agricultural products
Syria crude oil, petroleum products, fruits and vegetables, cotton fiber, clothing, meat and live animals, wheat
Taiwan computer products and electrical equipment, metals, textiles, plastics and rubber products, chemicals (2002)
Tajikistan aluminum, electricity, cotton, fruits, vegetable oil, textiles
Tanzania gold, coffee, cashew nuts, manufactures, cotton
Thailand textiles and footwear, fishery products, rice, rubber, jewelry, automobiles, computers and electrical appliances
Togo reexports, cotton, phosphates, coffee, cocoa
Tokelau stamps, copra, handicrafts
Tonga squash, fish, vanilla beans, root crops
Trinidad and Tobago petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, steel products, fertilizer, sugar, cocoa, coffee, citrus, flowers
Tunisia textiles, mechanical goods, phosphates and chemicals, agricultural products, hydrocarbons
Turkey apparel, foodstuffs, textiles, metal manufactures, transport equipment
Turkmenistan gas, crude oil, petrochemicals, cotton fiber, textiles
Turks and Caicos Islands lobster, dried and fresh conch, conch shells
Tuvalu copra, fish
Uganda coffee, fish and fish products, tea, cotton, flowers, horticultural products; gold
Ukraine ferrous and nonferrous metals, fuel and petroleum products, chemicals, machinery and transport equipment, food products
United Arab Emirates crude oil 45%, natural gas, reexports, dried fish, dates
United Kingdom manufactured goods, fuels, chemicals; food, beverages, tobacco
United States agricultural products (soybeans, fruit, corn) 9.2%, industrial supplies (organic chemicals) 26.8%, capital goods (transistors, aircraft, motor vehicle parts, computers, telecommunications equipment) 49.0%, consumer goods (automobiles, medicines) 15.0% (2003)
Uruguay meat, rice, leather products, wool, fish, dairy products
Uzbekistan cotton 41.5%, gold 9.6%, energy products 9.6%, mineral fertilizers, ferrous metals, textiles, food products, automobiles (1998)
Vanuatu copra, beef, cocoa, timber, kava, coffee
Venezuela petroleum, bauxite and aluminum, steel, chemicals, agricultural products, basic manufactures
Vietnam crude oil, marine products, rice, coffee, rubber, tea, garments, shoes
Virgin Islands refined petroleum products
Wallis and Futuna copra, chemicals, construction materials
West Bank olives, fruit, vegetables, limestone
Western Sahara phosphates 62%
World the whole range of industrial and agricultural goods and services
Yemen crude oil, coffee, dried and salted fish
Zambia copper/cobalt 64%, cobalt, electricity; tobacco, flowers, cotton
Zimbabwe cotton, tobacco, gold, ferroalloys, textiles/clothing

This page was last updated on 19 December, 2006

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