This tab-delimited file can be read by most spreadsheet applications after being saved properly. At the top of your browser window, click 'File' and 'Save As...' After saving the file, open your spreadsheet, find the file you just saved and then 'Open' it. Rank Country Oil - exports(bbl/day) Date of Information 1 Saudi Arabia 7,920,000 2003 2 European Union 5,322,000 2001 3 Russia 5,150,000 2004 4 Norway 3,466,000 2001 5 United Arab Emirates 2,500,000 2004 est. 6 Iran 2,500,000 2004 est. 7 Venezuela 2,100,000 2004 est. 8 Kuwait 1,970,000 2003 9 Mexico 1,863,000 2004 10 Canada 1,600,000 2004 11 United Kingdom 1,498,000 2001 12 Iraq 1,420,000 2005 est. 13 Netherlands 1,418,000 2001 14 Libya 1,340,000 15 Algeria 1,127,000 2004 est. 16 United States 1,048,000 2004 17 Kazakhstan 890,000 2003 18 Oman 721,000 2004 19 Korea, South 645,200 2004 20 Australia 523,400 2001 21 Italy 456,600 2001 22 Belgium 450,000 2001 23 Indonesia 431,500 2004 est. 24 France 409,600 2001 25 Ecuador 387,000 2004 est. 26 Yemen 370,300 2003 27 India 350,000 28 China 340,300 2004 29 Denmark 332,100 2001 30 Syria 285,000 2004 31 Sudan 275,000 2004 32 Brazil 241,700 33 Malaysia 230,200 2003 34 Sweden 203,700 2001 35 Brunei 192,700 2005 36 Spain 135,100 2001 37 Egypt 134,000 38 Finland 101,000 2001 39 Japan 93,360 2001 40 Greece 84,720 2001 41 Poland 53,000 2001 42 Peru 49,000 2004 est. 43 Hungary 47,180 2001 44 Turkey 46,110 2001 45 New Zealand 30,220 2001 46 Austria 30,140 2004 47 Bahamas, The 29,000 2003 48 Portugal 28,830 2001 49 Ireland 27,450 2001 50 Czech Republic 26,670 2001 51 Belarus 14,500 2003 est. 52 Germany 12,990 2003 53 Switzerland 10,420 2001 54 Ukraine 8,891 55 Burma 3,356 2003 56 Guatemala 3,104 2003 57 Slovakia 2,160 58 Suriname 1,370 2003 59 Nicaragua 759 2004 60 Luxembourg 634 2001 61 Mongolia 515 2005 est. 62 Albania 0 2005 est. 63 Zimbabwe 0 64 Philippines 0 2001 65 Morocco 0 66 Jordan 0 2004 est. 67 Latvia 0 2004 68 Iceland 0 2001 69 Bermuda 0 70 Estonia 0 2004 71 Chile 0 This file was last updated on 19 December, 2006